cenote in riviera maya crystalline waters

Cenotes: Source of Mayan Life

Undoubtedly, if you love adventures, extreme sports and nature or you are about to visit Riviera Maya, you should have heart something about Cenotes, the limestone caves that were flooded thanks to centuries of heavy rain and underground rivers. Speaking straight, those are the most impressive places you could ever visit during your vacations.

Despite being gorgeous places, few people know its mythical history.The myths and legends around them take us back to an era when the ancient mayan gods governed from heaven, earth and hell.

If you want to join us on an interesting trip to the bowels of the earth and discover the fascinating stories around cenotes, keep on reading this article.

Are you ready? Well, Let’s go!

Our journey begins in the Mayan Era. The ancient inhabitants of the Yucatan Peninsula were on charge of taking cenotes-folklore to life. Since the very beginning, mayan civilization developed an unequivocal belief about these caverns. They claimed that those were the entrance to the underworld, a place where dead souls began their holy trip. In spite of the undeniable relation with the death, cenotes mustn’t be feared nor regarded as death-calling sites, cause in mayan cosmovision, they are also considered as places of life.

Maybe you are now confused, asking how life could begin and end in the same place?  Well, let me tell that the answer to this question is quite simple. We just need to understand the idea behind the mayan circle of life. In brief, when a child borns, a soul is transformed to matter and when it dies, the soul changes again to energy. As a circle, life and death start and end at the same point, the underworld.

Moreover, mayan people used to believe that they were  the source of life. For instance, according to mayan beliefs, the holy tree has its roots into the realm of deads. Being more realistic, it is also supposed that water spots such as manantials. cenotes and rivers come out from there. And thanks to them, life on earth can exist.

Grosso modo, cenotes are a source of life and a transformation spot. The very truth is that these places have a secret magic. I can’t tell why or how, but each time you visit one; i will feel an energy interacting and flowing within you. This sensation is quite hard to describe. However, if you are lucky enough, you will experience it yourself.

If you want to visit a Cenote in Riviera Maya, don’t hesitate to contact us in www.bluetrippers.com

We have the best all-inclusive tours just for you.